Please sign this open letter!

NHS England announced at the beginning of July that it would not routinely fund second stem cell transplants for patients with blood cancer or blood disorders. This is so wrong and so very short sighted of our dear health minister Hunt and co. Many people who have gone through 2nd stem cell transplants are alive and well, leading productive lives paying back into the funds of the NHS. There is already an increase in crowdfunding campaigns from people who have been denied funding for a second stem cell transplant.

The very good people at Anthony Nolan are running a campaign about this to try and get the government to see sense. We need to support this cause and get this decision reveresed. The link below takes you to a page on AN’s website to sign a letter to the government calling for review:

Please sign it, it will only take a minute. And forward it to anyone who might do the same.

A quick update from me: tomorrow I’ll be getting the results of the scan I had last Monday and will find out what the docs have in store for me next. Commonly known amongst us cancer patients on the forums as ‘scanxiety’ I have managed to keep it largely off my mind, but as the date is approaching it’s only natural that I’ve been thinking about it more and more. No idea which way it’s going to go – I have been feeling really well and pretty much symptom free for the past 2 weeks (besides ongoing itchiness …and the usual tiredness).  So I will be going in to the appountment not expecting anything but hoping for some good news. I’ll keep you posted!

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